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Published: 5/29/2023

Watch and Learn: Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M)

by Training & Awareness Team

Watch the video about Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) and learn how they are used to ensure the security of CMS FISMA systems

The process to mitigate risks and weaknesses in CMS systems is called a Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M). A POA&M is created whenever audits reveal an area of weakness in security controls. This is an opportunity to strengthen or “harden” your system through carefully planned improvements – which boosts the overall resilience of our agency’s cyber infrastructure. The CMS security staff and your integrated team are ready to help you along the way.

This video is a quick and entertaining way to learn all about POA&Ms and how they are used at CMS.

More guidance about POA&M at CMS is available here.

If you have questions, contact the CISO Team (, or ask a Cyber Risk Advisor in CMS Slack (#cra-help).

About the publisher:

The Training and Awareness Team works to build a more resilient and knowledgeable cybersecurity workforce at CMS by connecting people to helpful information and training opportunities.